Shoreham by Sea weather

 Latitude 50.836168    Longitude -0.249455    Elevation 10m

Records began on <#recordsbegandate>. Here are the month-by-month extremes recorded since then.

Records for the month of January
Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature <#ByMonthTempH mon=1> °C <#ByMonthTempHT mon=1>
Lowest Temperature <#ByMonthTempL mon=1> °C <#ByMonthTempLT mon=1>
Highest Dew Point <#ByMonthDewPointH mon=1> °C <#ByMonthDewPointHT mon=1>
Lowest Dew Point <#ByMonthDewPointL mon=1> °C <#ByMonthDewPointLT mon=1>
Highest Apparent Temperature <#ByMonthAppTempH mon=1> °C <#ByMonthAppTempHT mon=1>
Lowest Apparent Temperature <#ByMonthAppTempL mon=1> °C <#ByMonthAppTempLT mon=1>
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature <#ByMonthWChillL mon=1> °C <#ByMonthWChillLT mon=1>
Highest Heat Index <#ByMonthHeatIndexH mon=1> °C <#ByMonthHeatIndexHT mon=1>
Highest Minimum <#ByMonthMinTempH mon=1> °C <#ByMonthMinTempHT mon=1>
Lowest Maximum <#ByMonthMaxTempL mon=1> °C <#ByMonthMaxTempLT mon=1>
Highest Humidity <#ByMonthHumH mon=1> % <#ByMonthHumHT mon=1>
Lowest Humidity <#ByMonthHumL mon=1> % <#ByMonthHumLT mon=1>
Highest Daily Range <#ByMonthHighDailyTempRange mon=1> °C <#ByMonthHighDailyTempRangeT mon=1>
Lowest Daily Range <#ByMonthLowDailyTempRange mon=1> °C <#ByMonthLowDailyTempRangeT mon=1>
Highest Rain Rate <#ByMonthRainRateH mon=1> mm/hr <#ByMonthRainRateHT mon=1>
Highest Hourly Rainfall <#ByMonthHourlyRainH mon=1> mm <#ByMonthHourlyRainHT mon=1>
Highest Daily Rainfall <#ByMonthDailyRainH mon=1> mm <#ByMonthDailyRainHT mon=1>
Highest Monthly Rainfall <#ByMonthMonthlyRainH mon=1> mm <#ByMonthMonthlyRainHT mon=1>
Longest Dry Period <#ByMonthLongestDryPeriod mon=1> days <#ByMonthLongestDryPeriodT mon=1>
Longest Wet Period <#ByMonthLongestWetPeriod mon=1> days <#ByMonthLongestWetPeriodT mon=1>
Highest Wind Gust <#ByMonthGustH mon=1> MPH <#ByMonthGustHT mon=1>
Highest Wind Speed Average <#ByMonthWindH mon=1> MPH <#ByMonthWindHT mon=1>
Highest Daily Wind Run <#ByMonthWindRunH mon=1> MILES <#ByMonthWindRunHT mon=1>
Lowest Pressure (sl) <#ByMonthPressL mon=1> hPa <#ByMonthPressLT mon=1>
Highest Pressure (sl) <#ByMonthPressH mon=1> hPa <#ByMonthPressHT mon=1>
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends:<#forum><#webcam>

Page updated 08/05/2024 11:15:10
powered by Cumulus v1 (1)